Are These the Best Jobs in the World? Jobs That Allow You to Travel

Who does not like traveling, right? Of course, some people prefer staying at home, in the usual environment where they know everything and everyone. However, they are not the target audience for this article. If you are ready to take any opportunity to see the world out there but don’t know how to do it without losing your job, we are here to give you some valuable tips. Explore the list of the best jobs that allow you to travel and discover new places without limits!

Remote Writer

female student writing notes while sitting with laptop on bench
Photo by Keira Burton

Being a writer means that you can work from anywhere and anytime. Some writers wait for the inspiration to come and write whenever a new exciting idea appears. Others prefer writing according to a rigid schedule to meet the required deadlines. No matter which approach you choose, you can work in your local cafe or travel miles away to another country to write about its sights and culture. If it sounds appealing to you, consider looking for essay writing jobs and ghostwriter opportunities. You will get specific instructions on what to write about from clients. It simplifies the task so that you don’t need to develop the content concept on your own.

Travel Blogger

Travel Blogger
Photo Credit – PxHere

People like learning about the peculiarities of different countries they have never been to, even if it is only a virtual experience. If you choose to be a travel blogger, you will get to share your experience with thousands or even millions of people worldwide. You can choose any destination you like and create a plan for its exploration. Moreover, you can ask your audience for ideas about your next journey. This job gives you flexibility in your schedule, opportunities for sponsored trips, and potential for income through sponsorships and affiliate marketing. On top of that, you get to express yourself creatively through writing and photography.

Flight Attendant

Flight Attendant
Flight Attendant (Photo Credit – Wikimedia)

This job is perfect for those who enjoy traveling by air. If this part of a trip is one of your favorites, becoming a flight attendant can become your dream job. However, there is an important point to consider before committing to it. Even though you get to travel around the globe, often you don’t have enough time to see the sights of any destination. As a rule, you get from an airport to a hotel to sleep after a long flight and then fly back the next day. The main disadvantage here is that you have to follow the detailed schedule of your company. At the same time, this job has many advantages, such as frequent travel to different destinations, exposure to different cultures, and discounted or free flights for personal travel. Remember that there is also an opportunity for career advancement within the airline industry.

Tour Guide

tour guide
Tour Guide

The job allows you not only to travel the world but also to tell others about its wonders in a simple yet exciting way. Some tour guides choose one special destination for them and work there for years, while others prefer to change locations more frequently. You can choose a more convenient option for you. After all, if you choose Italy, for example, you will have work for years to come, as almost every city there is a treasure trove of ancient history. In addition to the beautiful scenery and architecture, you will encounter people from all over the world.
Sharing your enthusiasm for a particular location is quite inspiring. In addition, you have an excellent opportunity to develop your public speaking and storytelling abilities.

Archaeologist or Anthropologist

Archaeologist or Anthropologist
Archaeologist or Anthropologist

If you enjoy reading history books and viewing historical documentaries, you may be destined to become an archeologist. It is intriguing to learn how people lived hundreds of years ago. You will be able to investigate historical sites, study ancient cultures, and contribute to scientific research. You can become an expert in a particular historical aspect or period in order to investigate it globally. Explore opportunities to work with academic institutions or museums in various parts of the globe in order to broaden your horizons and educate others about the history of our planet.

Cruise Ship Staff

Cruise Ship Staff
Cruise Ship Staff

If you have never experienced seasickness and adore the ocean in all its forms and hues, you should consider working on a cruise ship. There are numerous available positions, ranging from hospitality to entertainment. You will have the opportunity to travel to various locations and meet individuals from all over the world. It is also an opportunity to obtain all-inclusive housing. However, as with becoming a flight attendant, you may need more time to explore the locations you visit than available. Typically, tourists have a few hours per day to explore new cities and villages on excursions. During this period, the ship’s crew must complete various tasks. Consequently, you should clarify the number of days off you will receive on each cruise.

Summing Up

As this article demonstrates, those with an appetite for travel have numerous employment options. Consider requirements, desires, and possible constraints when selecting one. While travel is an excellent method to learn about the world and people, it may be difficult to adjust to frequent expeditions. You can discuss the pros and cons of the position you’re interested in with someone with relevant experience. Learning what awaits you if you accept one of these fantastic employment opportunities is essential.